As its name implies, the driving force behind the wonderful team of volunteers on the service league is serving others, with a heavy dose of fun. The League’s mission is to “aid in community healthcare and support all MMHS medical facilities,” and this group of dedicated women and men take that mission seriously — while having a good time.
The league is an independent non-profit group and is a vital service for the hospital. These dedicated volunteers staff the information desk and stock and operate the Gift Shop in the hospital lobby. They support employees with morale-building breakfasts, awards and scrubs sales, bring comfort to patients and their families, and provide funding for needed equipment.
Through the years, funds raised through Gift Shop profits and several annual fundraisers have provided a major source of revenue for facility improvements such as a mammography machine, dialysis equipment, fetal monitors, and furnishings for the new hospital chapel.
Hospital visitors have questions; whether they are visitors or patients and its often a friendly Service League member who’s there to answer them and provide information. A warm hello and comforting smile are a big boost to patients. Service League members devote time to those in long term care playing Lotteria and Bingo, reading to residents, even running errands and going on outings— and have a blast while doing so.
The group has great camaraderie, nurturing one another as well as the community. “It’s an extended family feeling,” says long-time member, Donna Oliveira. “It’s a fun, rewarding and enjoyable group.”
The service league is actively looking for some “young blood” and new, like-minded members. If you have time to devote to this vibrant, fun-loving group of volunteers and community-focused cause, call 831-386-7396.